When the attacks on the world trade center took place, i was only 10 years old. I was confused through the whole event. When you're 10 years old you don't know about terrorism. Although i was old enough to understand what war was, i didn't know about the kind of warfare used by the the Taliban in those attacks. I also never thought I'd see an attack like that happen in our country, let alone my own city.
The first part of my experience with 9/11 took place in my 5th grade classroom. Although I cant remember, my best friend says he still remembers the scared look on our teacher's face. I remember parent after parent coming in to school and taking there children home. I couldn't imagine why so many people were going home. They couldn't all be leaving early for dentist appointments. Eventually my grandfather came to school to pick me up. He also went to get my sister from her school.
The next thing I remember is sitting in my grandparents living room watching the towers fall again and again on different news shows. I didn't know why this was happening. Eventually, my parents explained that this was a terrorist attack, they told me what a terrorist is and why they were attacking us. However, being 10 it was still pretty confusing.
After September 11, 2001, i remember hearing kids talking about there experiences of being taken home early from school and watching it on the news with their parents. I remember eventually hearing talk of conspiracy theories and how the government knew or the government planned this. This was another thing i couldn't understand considering I was only 10 and also didn't understand that a government could be corrupt and that people could blame them in that way. To see some of the biggest 9/11 conspiracy theories click here. To this day, it is still confusing and I don't know exactly what to believe about the conspiracy theories.
image courtesy of mentiraconfortable.files.wordpress.com
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