Nothing is more horrifying than hearing about a family being murdered by someone slitting their throats, and then having their bodies be burnt to a crisp in their own apartment. What makes this story even worse (if possible) is that police suspect one member in the family of doing such a horrible disaster and than killing him or herself once the suspect killed the family. They are calling it a murder-suicide. Earlier in the week, fire fighters were reported of being called to the flaming house at around 4:15 on Thursday. Little did they know they were about to witness an unforgettable and atrocious crime.
In USA Today, and the BBC, both of their stories sounded similar. Their articles pointed to the 14 year old boy, CJ , of slitting his sisters throats and going after his mother and 2 year old brother. Then they claim the boy set the apt on fire, and killed himself. It has been reported that CJ was a troubled boy, and he was suspended from school because he set a piece of paper on fire. In both of these articles, it was said by a friend of the family that CJ was "a loving boy and she couldn't see him committing such an awful act." Also a note was found in the apt that said "am sorry". Police are trying to figure out who wrote this note. Bodies are being autopsied.
In the New York Times article, it has been reported that the investigation is now being turned to the mother of the 4 children. What was left of the note that was found that read "am sorry", experts say that it matched the mothers hand writing. The mothers journal was discovered in the apt, and experts were able to match the hand writing of the note "am sorry" to her journal entries. Also a neighbor that lived down the street claims that CJ, the 14 year old boy, couldn't have committed these crimes. The neighbor claims that CJ was to skinny and the mother could have easily fought back. Also, Ms. Jones (the mother) had pills in her system which could suggest her trying to commit suicide. Neighbors and relatives both say that CJ was a troubled boy, but was also a care taker of his family and though troubled, he would never sink this low. Investigators are waiting back to hear from autopsy, to see who died last in the fire. That will at least answer a few of the many questions of this horrific crime.
In the WABC news article, and the NY Daily News are very similar. They both point to the 14 year old boy and say that he was found with a razor underneath his body. They also say that the 2 year old boy that was found with his mother's body was alive at the scene, but than died at the hospital of smoke inhalation. The two sisters of the family were in the front room, with slits to their throats and there bodies badly burnt to a crisp. Both articles are waiting to hear back from autopsy to see which of the bodies died last in the fire.
Which ever news article you read, you cant deny that this story puts a knot in your stomach. I believe it is unthinkable and unimaginable for someone that belongs to a family to kill their brother, sisters, and mother. Or it is horrifying to think of a mother killing her children. Either way you look at this story, it is greatly disturbing and whether you find out the mother did it, or the son did it, both end in tragedy. Also you have to keep in mind, that though this story is nation wide, and yes this story is very disturbing, it is a rare occurrence. The news seems to dote upon the tragedies in the world. Not every day you hear about a family member killing it's family... and hopefully we don't hear about something like this happening ever again.
I specifically chose this news story because it is close to home. Living in NYC, and being educated on national news, I hear a lot of news about world trageties and disasters, but when you actually hear a neighboring suburb have something happen like this, it really hits close to home. It makes me want to take action... If the boy did it, what if he actually got the help he needed in school. Or if it was the mom, what if someone tried to help her through the hard times of this economy. This story, though puts a knot in your stomach, it makes me want to take action and have this never happen again. In each of the news articles, they point to CJ having trouble, and the mom struggling to pay the bills... what if someone just helped them. Would it have gotten this bad? It really just makes me wonder.... what if?
I found this story shocking as well. Beyond the horrified content of the case, I think that the uncertainty about the truth, as illustrated from the different version of each newspaper, is even more disturbing. As upsetting as the event is the fact that no one knows what really happened is what makes this news so dramatic. As discussed in class does newspaper represent the truth, this story demonstrate how critical of the news we, as readers, need to be. Additionally, I agree with you that hearing about this type of tragedy so close to where we live does make your stomach twist.