Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Shirley Sherrod Controversy

In recent weeks Shirley Sherrod came under fire for some comments she made that some considered racist. The context of her comments was excluded from mainstream public discourse, and the result was being asked over an email to hand in her resignation from her job in the US Department of Agriculture. The public response has been interesting, as many people realize that the video was doctored and shown in the wrong light.

Leading the media frenzy, and attacks on Sherrod was of course, FOX NEWS

Bob Herbert responded to this in his NY Times column.

I think that this story is important because it is a good example of how mainstream news media is increasingly transparent, and unable to sensationalize stories. Consumers are more informed, and the senders and opinion leaders are always changing. As a result, it is harder for any one person to have a monopoly on information.

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